We are pleased to announce that the inaugural issue of Ghana Studies, the annual journal of the Ghana Studies Council, is now at the printer and will be mailed out to subscribers shortly. To subscribe send your name and mailing address to:
African Studies Program 205 Ingraham Hall 1155 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706
Subscription information can also be e-mailed to: afrst@macc.wisc.edu
You will be sent an invoice with your copy of vol. 1. Subscription rates are $15.00 for individuals and $30.00 for institutions.
The following is the table of contents of vol. 1, dated 1998:
Paper submissions to Ghana Studies on any Ghana-related subject in any field are most welcome. Please supply three printed copies of your paper, doubled-spaced throughout, along with a version on disk (Macintosh or Windows format, Word or WordPerfect word-processing program preferred). We are flexible on length, but prefer that submissions not exceed 8000 words. Please follow the style sheet found on the inside back cover of the Journal of African History.
Send Submissions to:
Larry Yarak, Editor Ghana Studies Department of History Texas A& M University, College Station, TX 77843-4236.