All items submitted as forthcoming are excluded from the bibliographical list. I have, however, taken note of the titles and will include them after they have appeared as published papers.
Abdullah, Iddirisu, "A History of the Development of Islamic Education in the Northeastern Region of Ghana in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries," M. Phil Thesis, University of Cape Coast, 1997.
Akyeampong, Emmanuel, "Christianity, Modernity, and the Weight of Tradition in the Life of Asantehene Agyeman Prempeh II, c. 1888-1931," Africa, 69: 2 (1999).
____, "Wo pe tam won pe ba (You like cloth but you don't want children): Urbanization, Individualism, and Gender Relations in Colonial Ghana, c. 1900-1939," in David Anderson and Richard Rathbone, eds., Africa's Urban Past (Oxford: James Currey, 1999).
Berry, Sara, "Tomatoes, land, and hearsay: Property and history in Asante in the time of structural adjustments," World Development, 25, 8 (1997): 1225-1242.
____, "Unsettled accounts: Stool debts, chieftaincy disputes and the question of Asante constitutionalism," Journal of African History, 39, 1 (1998):1-24.
Bratton, Angela, "Feminist Anthropology,", 1998.
____, "Growing up Ghanaian: Memories and Strategies of Gender Socialization Among Ghanaian Immigrants," Research Paper, 1998.
Chouin, Gerard, Ecrits dentre-deux mondes. Un index analytique des sources manuscrites de lhistoire des etats de la Cote de l Or (Cote dIvoire, Ghana) dans les fonds de la Bibliotheque Nationale et des Archives Nationales de France (1634-1710), Institut Francais de Recherche en Afrique, 1996.
____, Eguafo, un royaume africain au coeur francois, 1637-1687. Mutations socio-economiques et politique europeene dun etet de la Cote de lOr ) Ghana au au XVII sicle. Paris, Afera editions, coll. Essais et documents, 1998.
Dakubu, Kropp, M. E., ed., English in Ghana (Accra: Ghana, English Studies Association, 1997).
Dakubu, Kropp, M.E., "Ideophones in Dangme and their place in linguistic semiotics," Papers in Ghanaian Linguistics, 11 (1998): 1-18.
____, Working Papers in Language Teaching, 2 (1998). Published by the Language Center, University of Ghana.
____, Papers in Ghanaian Linguistics 11 (1998) Published by the Linguistics Association of Ghana.
____, Ga-English Dictionary with English-Ga Index. Trial Edition, Legon: Language Centre, 1998.
____, Korle Meets the Sea, a Sociolinguistic History of Accra (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997).
____, Language and Community, the View from Accra (Accra: Ghana Universities Press, 1996).
____, "Oti-Volta vowel harmony and Dagbani," Gur Papers 2 (1997) 81-88.
____, "Ghana: People's and Cultures," "The Ga," "The Dagomba," in The Encyclopedia of Sub-Saharan Africa, John Middleton, ed.. (New York: Scribner's, 1997).
____, "Explaining Ga plurals," Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 17, 2 (1996): 153-181.
De La Gorgendiere, Louise, "AKUABA - La poupee de fertilite asante: autrefois et aujourdhui," LE GRIOT Volume IV, 2 (1996), 28-38.
Dennis C. and Peprah E., "The significance of the transformation of the market in Techiman, Brong Ahafo, Ghana," in Gender and Development in Africa, 1, 1 (1996): 74-83.
Dillard, Mary, "Objectivity and opportunities: the social power of mental measurement in Anglophone West Africa," UFAHAMU: Journal of the African Activist Association, XXIV, 1 (1996): 22-41.
Duchesne, Veronique, "Un cercle de koalin. Le temps d'un rituel en Afrique," Arts de la piste, 10 (1998). Pl. photos.
____, "Alliance et possession. La metaphore matrimoniale dans les cultes de possession africains," Annales de la IVe Conference Internationale de International Society for Shamanic Research, 1999.
____, "Religions africaines, religions du terroir: hier et aujourd'hui," en collaboration avec C.H. Perrot, Historiens-Geographes, numero special Afrique subsaharienne, a paraitre 1999.
____, "Gemellite, fecondite et souverainete chez les Anyi de Cote d'Ivoire," L'Uomo, 1 (1998): 137-155.
Everts Natalie, "Huwelijk naar 's lands wije.' Relaties tussen Afrikaanse vrouwen en Europeanen aan de Goudkust (West-Afrika) 1700-1817: Een aanpassing van de beeldvorming," Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 111 (1998): 598-616.
Gadzekpo,V.P.Y., "Simultaneous Determination of some Blood Electrolytes Employing Flame Photometric Flow Injection Analysis," Talanta, 43, 5 (1996): 735.
____, "Copper Ion-Selective Electrode Based on o-o-dipyridyl, Oxine and Cupferron". Ghana Journal of Chemistry 1(9), 409, 1994.
____, "Further Studies of Lead Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on Salicylaldoxime, o-o: dipyridy, Dimedone and 8-Hydroxyquioline," Ghana Journal of Chemistry, 1 7 (1993), 354, 1993.
____, "Comparison of Levels of Pb in Blood of Petroleum Product and Non-Petroleum Product dealers in Ghana," Chemistry and Industry, 1, 6 (1993): 37.
Geest, Sjaak van der, "The social and cultural basis of home care to elderly people in Ghana," Diseases, Culture and Society, Genova: Erga Edizioni, 1998.
____, "Participant observation in demographic research: Fieldwork experiences in a Ghanaian community, in A.M. Basu & P. Anaby, eds., The Methods and Uses of Anthropological Demography (Liege: IUSSP, 1998), pp. 39-56.
____, "Akan Shit: Getting Rid of Dirt in Ghana," Anthropology Today, 14, 3 (1998): 8-12.
____, "Reciprociteit en Zorg voor Ouderen: Een Antropologische Vergelijking tussen Ghana en Nederland [Reciprocity and Care for the Elderly: An Anthropological Comparison Between Ghana and the Netherlands]," Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 29, 5 (1998), 237-243.
____, "Resettlement/Unsettlement in Ghana: snippets from an Anthropological Notebook," Ghana Study Council Newsletter, 11 (1998): 5-7.
Geest, Sjaak van der and Samuel Sarkodie, "The fake patient: A research experiment in Ghana" Social Science & Medicine, 47, 9 (1998): 1373-1381.
Gocking, Roger, "Colonial Rule and the Legal Factor in Ghana and Lesotho," Africa, 67, 1 (1997): 61-85.
____, "Ghanas Public Tribunals: An Experiment in Revolutionary Justice," African Affairs, 95 (1996): 197-223, 379.
Ninsin, K.A., (ed.), Ghana: Transition to Democracy, DAKAR: CODESRIA, 1998.
Hugon Anne, Introduction á l'Histoire de l'Afrique Contemporaire (Textbook, Armond Colin, Paris, 1998).
Jones, Adam, "Reindorf the Historian," in Paul Jenkins, ed., The Recovery of the West African Past: African Pastors and African History in the Nineteenth Century (Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 1998), pp. 115-133.
____, "Zwei indigene Ethnographen der Goldkuste im 19 Jahrhundert: Kwasi Boakye und Carl Reindorf," in Heike Behrend & Thomas Geider, eds., Afrikaner schreiben zuruck: Texte und Bilder afrikanischer Ethnographien (Koln: Rudiger Koppe, 1998), pp. 27-40.
Oheneba-Sakyi, Yaw, Family planning and reproductive health services in Ghana: An annotated bibliography (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Inc., 1994).
____, "Determinants of current contraceptive use among Ghanaian women at the highest risk pregnancy," Journal of Biosocial Science, 24, 4 (1992): 463-475.
Oheneba-Sakyi, Yaw, Kofi Awusabo-Asare, Edna Gbortsu, and Andrew F. Aryee, Female autonomy, decision making, and demographic behavior among couples in Ghana (Potsdam, NY., & Accra, Ghana, 1995).
Oheneba-Sakyi, Yaw, and Kofi Awusabo-Asare, Female Autonomy, Family Decision Making, and Demographic Behavior: An African Example (Lewiston, N.Y.: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1999).
Oheneba-Sakyi, Yaw, and Baffour K. Takyi, "Marriages and Families in Ghana," in International Handbook on Marriages and Families, Karen Altergott ed. (Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 1999).
____, "Gender differentials in family size among Ghanaian couples." Journal of Asian and African Studies, 32, 3-4 (1997): 296-306.
____, "The effects of couples characteristics on contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa: the Ghanaian example." Journal of Biosocial Science, 29, 4 (1997): 33-49.
____, "Customs, practices, family-life and marriage in contemporary Ghana, West Africa," Family Perspective, 28, 4 (1994): 257-281.
____, "Sociodemographic correlates of breastfeeding in Ghana," Human Biology, 63, 3 (1991): 389-402.
Oheneba-Sakyi, and Tim B. Heaton, "Effects of socio-demographic and political correlates of university students casual attributions for poverty," Psychological Reports, 73 (1993): 795-800.
Owen Jr., Wilfred, "Rural Ghana Goes Global, Ghana Computer Literacy and Distance Education," Conference participation, Accra, Ghana, 20-22 May, 1998.
Owusu-Jarpong, Christian, ed., Trilingual Anthology of Akan Folktales (Kumase, Ghana: Department of Book Industry, U.S.T, 1998).
____, "L'ecriture metisse de Marie-Joseph Bonnat dans son Journal (1869-1874) a partir des cahiers et publies par Claude-Helene Perrot et Albert van Dantzig dans Marie-Joseph Bonnat et les Ashanti Journal (1869-1874) in Le Journal des Africanistes, 66, 1-2 (September 1996): 225-254.
Owusu-Sarpong, Albert, "Literature and Political Development: Ideological Dimensions in Francophone Black/African Poetics," Professional Inaugural Lecture, Kumase, U.S.T., May 1998.
Parren, M.P.E. and Van Breugel, M, "Forestry in Equatorial Guinea in the Congo Basin recent developments and alternatives for sustainable development," BOS Newsletter, 16, 3 (1997): 76-83.
Perrot, Claude, "Kumase et les Britanniques: La capital ashanti niee par les colonisateurs," in Historie d'Afrique les enjeux de memorie (Paris: Karthala, 1999), pp. 143-172.
Riviere, T, "Economie et politiques des peuples Ga d'Accra (Ghana) au XVII° siècle," Thèse de Doctorat (Nouveau Règine) sous la direction du professeur C.H. Perrott, Universitè de Paris I Panthèon Sorbonne, 1994.
____, "Dictionnaire Ga de J. The Zimmermann (1858) et le Royaume d'Accra (Ghana) au XVIIème siècle," Journal des Africanistes, 60, 1 (1990): 119-140.
Ross, Doran H, "Introduction: Fine Weaves and Tangled Webs," "Asante: Kingdom of Cloth," "A Beautiful Cloth does not Wear Itself," "The Loom and Weaving Technology," "Asante Cloth Names and Motifs," "Kente and its Image outside of Ghana," "Fashioned Heritage," all in Wrapped in Pride: Ghanaian Kente and African American Identity, (Los Angelos: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 1998).
____, "Mans Cloth," "Warriors Flag," "Hammock," in The Extraordinary Corporation, ed., Mary Hunt Kahlenberg, (New Mexico: Neutrogena Corporation, 1998).
____, "Akuas Child and other Relatives: New Stories for Old Dolls," in Isnt S/He a Doll? Play and Ritual in African Sculpture, ed., Elisabeth Cameron, (Los Angeles: UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 1996).
____, "Asante," in The Dictionary of Art, ed., Jane Turner, (London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1996).
Sampson A., Danso, O. and Tayman, F.S., "Chemical studies on some Ghanaian chewing sticks," 6th Annual Conference, Ghana Chemical Society, U.C.C., August 8-11, 1991, Chemistry and Industry, 1, 5 (1991).
Schildkrout, Enid, Exhibition Review, Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnographico, "L. Pigorini" in Rome, African Arts, XX, 1 (1997): 72-73.
____, "Politics and Poetry: Mohammed Rashid Shaabans 'History of Kumasi," in The Cloth of Many Colored Skills: Papers on Ghanaian and Islamic History and Society in honor of Ivor Wilks, ed. J. Hunwick and Nancy Lawler (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1996), pp. 367-391.
____, "Review: Museums and Communities in West Africa," Curator, 39, 2 (1996): 151-156.
____, "Harp," Africa: The Art of a Continent. One Hundred Works of Power and Beauty, (New York: Guggenheim Museum, 1996), pp. 116-117.
____, "Ghanas Forest," Letter in Natural History 4 (1996): 6.
____, "Families," Editors message, Faces (April 1996): 4-5.
____, "Bone Picking," Letter in African Arts, XXIX, 1 (1996): 15-17.
____, Kingdom of Gold, Natural History, 105, 2 (1996): 36-37.
Schildkrout, Enid, and Ama Boakyewa, "Ghanaians," The American Immigrant Culture, New York: Macmillan, 1997), pp. 331-335.
Schildkrout, Enid, and Curtis Keim, "Mangbetu Royal Architecture," and "Design in Mangbetu Architecture," in Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture, ed. P. Oliver (Cambridge University Press, 1997).
Schildkrout, Enid, and Donna K. Pido, "Safety Pin Tunics and Film Canister Hair Rollers: Recycling in Personal Adornment, In Recycled, Reseen, (Sante Fe, Museum of International Folk Art, and New York: Harry Abram, 1996), pp. 152-165.
Schoettner M., J. Reiner and F.S. K. Tayman, "(+)-Neoolivil from roots of Urtica dioica L", Phytochemistry, July, 1997.
Stahl, Ann, "The archaeology of global encounters viewed from Banda, Ghana," African Archaeological Review, 16, 1 (1999).
____, "Perceiving variability in time and space: Evolutionary mapping of African societies," in Pathways to complexity: African perspectives, ed., Susan K. McIntosh, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 39-55.
____, "What is the use of archaeology in historical anthropology?" in Matthew Boyd ed., The Entangled Past. Integrating History and Archeology (Proceedings of the 30th Chacmool Conference, University of Calgary, 1999).
____, "Making history in Banda: Reflections on the construction of Africa's past," Historical Archaeology (forthcoming).
____, "Historical process and the impact of the Atlantic trade on Banda, Ghana, 1800-1920," in C. DeCorse, ed., Historical Archaeology in West Africa: Culture contact, continuity and change (Washington, DC.: Smithsonian Institution press, forthcoming).
____, (with Maria das Dores Cruz), "Men and women in the market economy: gender and craft production in west central Ghana c.1700-1995," in Susan Kent, ed., Gender in African Prehistory (Walnut Creek, CA.: Altamira press, 1998), pp. 205-226.
Tayman, F.S., "Paints and Coatings from Indigenous Materials," Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 1, 1-2 (1996), Special Edition on Composite Building Materials, ICMST (Ghana), pp. 51-58.
____, "Some Important Botanicals of our FloraThe Under-utilised Potential," 6th International Chemistry Conference in Africa. Chemistry in Health, Industry and the Environment, July 31-August 4, 1995, Accra, Ghana.
Tetteh-Nartey, E., Dadson, B.A., Tayman, F.S.K. and Seifert, K., "Phytochemical studies of the leaves and inflorescence of Male Carica Papaya, 6th ICCA, 1995, Accra, Ghana.
Yeboa-Dankwa, Jonas, Basic Twi Books for Learners, Accra, Sebewie Publishers, 1998.
Yeboa-Dankwa, Jonas, and James Gibbs, Abiriw: A Town with a Past, a Present, and a Future, Times New Roman, Bristol, England, 1998.