Abaka, Edmund, "The Pharmacological and Therapeutic Significance of Kola Nuts," Ghana Studies, 1, 1998, pp. 1-10.

Ameh, Kwame Robert, "Trokosi (Child Slavery) in Ghana: A Policy Approach," Ghana Studies, 1, 1998, pp. 35-62.

Buor, Daniel, "The impact of Traditional Medicine on health delivery services in Ghana: The Ashanti situation," Journal of the University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ghana, 1993.

____, Reproductive decision-making in Ghanaian family: Family Development Programme (University of Ghana, Legon/UNFPA, 1994).

____, "Pitfalls in Fertility Control in Ghana," Journal of the University of Science & Technology, Kumasi-Ghana, nd.

____, "Poverty and health in the Ashanti region of Ghana," Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association, 1999.

Gocking Roger, "Colonial Rule and the Legal Factor in Ghana and Lesotho," Africa, 67, 1, 1997, pp. 61-85.

____, "Ghanas Public tribunals: An Experiment in Revolutionary Justice," African Affairs, 95, 1996, pp. 197-223, 379.

Hopkins, Daniel, "Danish natural history and African colonialism at the close of the eighteenth century: Peter Thonnings scientific journey to the Guinea Coast, 1799-1803," Archives of Natural History, 26, 3, 1999, pp. 369-418.

Hopkins, Daniel, "Peter Thonnings map of Danish Guinea and its use in colonial administration and Atlantic diplomacy, 1801-1890," Cartographica, 35, 3-4, 1998, pp. 99-122.

Kirby, Jon P., (ed.), "Women and Christian Ministry: the cultural perspective." Proceedings of the TICCS "Women and Christian Ministry" Seminar 7-9, December 1998," TICCS, 1999.

____, (ed.), "Women and Development: the cultural perspective. Proceedings of the TICCS "Women and Development" Seminar 12-14 October 1998," TICCS, 1999.

____, "The Witchcraft Mentality and Development in Dagbon" in TICCS

Witchcraft Mentality Seminars held at TICCS May 26-29, 1997 and Dec. 8-11, 1997, TICCS, 1998.

____, "Mending Structures for mending hearts in Dagbon" in TICCS Witchcraft Mentality Seminars held at TICCS May 26-29, 1997 and Dec. 8-11, 1997, TICCS, 1998.

____, The "Traditional State and Democratization: paths to a new equilibrium in Northern Ghana", in African Studies Association: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting in Columbus OH, November 1997.

____, A North Americans Guide to Ghanaian English, TICCS Culture and Development Monographs No. 1, Takoradi, Ghana: St. Francis Press for TICCS Tamale, 1998.

___, "The Witchcraft Mentality and Christian Ministry in Ghana", a description of the proceedings of the "Witchcraft and Development" seminar at TICCS, May 1997, in The Catholic Standard, 1998.

____, "The Witchcraft Mentality and Development in Ghana", description of the proceedings of the "Witchcraft and Development" seminar at TICCS Dec. 1997, in The Catholic Standard, 1998.

____, "White, Red and Black: Colour Classification and Illness Management in Northern Ghana," Social Science and Medicine, 44, 2 (1997), pp. 215-230.

____, and Vincent Boi-Nai, "Popular Catholicism in Dagbon", in Thomas Bamat and Jean-Paul Weist eds., Popular Catholicism in a World Church (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Book, 1999).

____, with Vincent Boi-Nai, "Popular Catholicism and Problem-Solving in Dagbon," Social Compass, 45, 4, December 1998.

Konadu-Agyemang, Kwadwo, "Housing Conditions and Spatial organization in Accra, 1950s-1990s," Ghana Studies, 1, 1998, pp. 63-90.

Kropp Dakubu, M. E., Ga-English Dictionary, with English-Ga Index (Accra: Black Mask Ltd. 1999).

Lentz, Carola: "Die Konstruktion von Ethnizität. Eine politische Geschichte Nord-West Ghanas, 1870—1990," Studien zur Kulturkunde 112, Köln (Köppe Verlag): 1998.

____, "Creating ethnic identities in north-western Ghana," in Govers, Cora und Hans Vermeu-len (eds.), The Politics of Ethnic Consciousness, London, Macmillan, 1997, pp. 31—89.

____, "Ethnizität und die Interpretation der Vergangenheit," in Deutsch, Jan-Georg und Albert Wirz (ed.), Geschichte in Afrika. Einführung in Probleme und Debatten, Berlin, Arabisches Buch, 1997, pp. 149—174.

____, "The chief, the mine captain and the politician: Legitimating power in northern Ghana," Africa, 68, 1998, pp. 46—67.

____, "Alcohol consumption between community ritual and political economy: Case studies from Ecuador and Ghana," in Lentz, Carola (ed.), Changing Food Habits: Case Studies from Africa, South America and Europe (Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1999), pp. 155—179.

____, "Colonial constructions and African initiatives: The history of ethnicity in northwestern Ghana," Ethnos, 65, 1, 2000, pp. 1-31.

____, "‘Tradition versus politics: Succession conflicts in a chiefdom in northwestern Ghana". In: Pina-Cabral, Joao de and Antónia Pedroso de Lima (eds.), Choice and Leadership in Elite Succession (London, Berg Publishers, 2000), pp. 91-112.

____, "Of hunters, goats and earth-shrines: Settlement histories and the politics of oral tradition in northern Ghana," History in Africa, 27, 2000, pp. 1-22.

____ and Paul Nugent (eds.), Ethnicity in Ghana: The Limits of Invention (London, Macmillan Publishers, 2000).

McCaskie, T. C., "Custom, Tradition and Law in Pre-colonial Asante," in E. Ariaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal and Werner Zips, eds., Sovereignity, Legitimacy, and Power in West African Societies: Perspectives from Legal Anthropology (Hamburg, Lit Verlan, 1998), pp. 25-47.

____, "Asante and Ga: The history of Relationship," in Paul Jenkins, ed., The Recovery of the West African Past: African Pastors and African History in the Nineteenth Century (Basel, Baseler Afrika Bibliographien, 1998), pp. 135-153.

____, "Akwankwaa: Owusu Sekyere Agyeman In His Life and Times," Ghana Studies, 1, 1998, pp. 91-122.

____, "Cultural encounters: Britain and Africa in the Nineteenth Century," in Andrew Porter ed., The Oxford History of the British Empire: Volume III, The Nineteenth Century (Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press), 1999, pp. 665-689.

Opare Akurang-Parry, Kwabena, "Colonial Modes of Emancipation and African Initiatives," Ghana Studies, 1, 1998, pp. 11-34.

Owusu-Ansah, David, "Islam, Amulets, and Healing," in Nehemia Levtzion and Randall Pouwels, eds. The History of Islam in Africa, Athens: Ohio University press, 2000, pp. 477-488.

Pennigroth, Dylan, "Slavery, Freedom, and Social Claims to Property Among African Americans in Liberty County, Georgia, 1850-1880," Journal of American History, 84, September, 1997, pp. 405-35.

Rathbone, Richard, "Transferring Power in Ghana: Some Thoughts on What the Archives Might be Telling Us," Ghana Studies, 1, 1998, pp. 123-124.

Smith, Harlan M., "Introducing students to the competing schools of thought in Intermediate Macroeconomics," Journal of Economic Education, 28, 3, Summer 1997, pp. 206-221.

____, Review of Beyond Economic Liberalization in Africa: Structural Adjustment and the Alternatives, Kidane Mengisteab and B. Ikubolajeh Logan, eds., in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 1, Winter/ Spring ,1999.

____, and Sansom, A., "Coping with the senior thesis seminar: Some thoughts for both students and professors." Pennsylvania Economic Review, 7, 1 (Spring 1999), pp. 48-55.

____, A. Yeboah, "Can this formal-sector credit scheme be saved? An "Rx" for the rural Banks of Ghana." Paper presentation at the Annual Meetings for the Midwest Economics Association, Cincinnati, OH., April 1995.

Veit Arlt, "Immigration von KapverdierInnen nach Basel — Ablauf und Probleme der Migration." In: Dusan Simko, ed: Kapverdische Immigration in Basel (Basler Feldbuch. Berichte und Forschungen zur Humangeographic, W. Gallusser (ed.), Band 9), Basel 1991), pp.37-42.

____, "Entwicklungshilfe versus Wntwicklungszusammenarbeit. Verhindert Eurozentrismus eine nachhaltige Entwichlung?" in Regio Basiliensis. Basler Zeithschrift fur Geographie, 34. Jg., No.3, Basel 1993, pp. 203-208.

____, "Come back when the new paramount chief is enstooled, then we will tell you the real story!" in Thomas Hammer, Lilo Roost-Vischer, Anne Mayor (eds.), Le forum suisse des africanistes. Werkschau Afrikastudien, Beat Sottas (Hamburg, 1997), pp. 128-137.

Wilks, Ivor, "‘Unity and Progress: Asante Politics Revisited." Ghana Studies, 1, 1998, pp. 151-179.

____, "The Juula and the Expansion of Islam into the Forest," in Nehemia Levtzion and Randall Pouwels, eds., The History of Islam in Africa, Athens, Ohio University Press, 2000, pp. 93-116.

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